Sunday, December 12, 2010

Example Of Holographic Will Ontario

For a small field study on "What stereotypes have children now taught, have I look at the first 10 pages of the toy catalog KIDOH - play and learn made, the result is startling:

book, The Star and the Christmas miracle, little girl with pink T-shirt, blond, high-coiffed hair

Bosch Workbench with great sounds "I am a true craftsman!" little boy in jeans and checked shirt

rocking unicorn, "The Christmas Dream of all princesses: Lillifees Unicorn", a little girl in a skirt and knit sweater

refractor telescope "for researchers and engineers of tomorrow," bigger boys in jeans and striped sweater

workbench, a young boy in jeans and checked shirt

are double page, the trains go, little boy

spread Princess Lillifee, two little girls, one completely in the fairy costume, pink, tulle, etc

double-page Star Wars, 'for the Jedi Tomorrow, two guys, one in the Darth Vader costume

spread ball track, "Our Top Picks Wood, "the first time two boys and two girls

spread Playhouses" Fairy Gifts that fire the imagination ", 3 girls with pigtails

And some slogans of the following sites:

more for dolls Mamas under

the love all: shop play (2 girls)

what we cook today fine (Girl in wood kitchen)

for small brownies and cool chefs (girl on the vacuum cleaner and the kitchen, boy at the toaster)

favorite gifts for small designers

take these brands from young farmers and horse friends (boy on the tractor girl most stable)

Reiter luck with Wendy (girl cuddle horse)

quick request Scooters (2 guys with remote control)

car fans take note, Carrera - the classic gift for fathers and sons (father and 2 boys)

Has the last 30 years because nothing changed?


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