Today I finally made it after our last visit to the site (on 22.12.2010) once again find your way there. Given the weather conditions we have our way of 50km not that the way done. And there in the winter - company holiday eh nothing happened it lasted so even to this day. I was close and I once made a little trip to the property to me once to get an idea of what else we had just discussed on the phone. When I click on the plot came to me almost hit by lightning!! As has been worked! Undzwar was our tent set! I'm thrilled!
A short chat with one of the builders followed tent and so I learned that just finished by tomorrow afternoon the tent and in the coming days also set up and the scaffolding material is delivered.
A successful site visit and again I was Viebrock - only by the great coordination - very pleasantly surprised!
And now there are a few pictures ...
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the basement with covered stairs | |
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