Find of the week

"Michelito" is the youngest matador in the world
Michel Luis Carlos Peniche Lagravère called "Michelito" is the youngest matador in the world. The 12-year-old brings 400-kilogram bulls to the track. Michel has already started as a toddler Calves red cloth to keep her eyes. His dream is to regain the title by 14 hero and later the best bullfighter in the world. A real alternative to the bull fight, he has not. But after some thought, he says: "I would like to learn cooking."
(NEZ 08/28/2010)
What if he had grown up on an organic farm? Would he be in another country with his career aspirations as seriously taken and promoted? What other skills and talents lie fallow and are not even encouraged to some extent? Does he get "get cooking" with his wish as much attention and support? Whose desire is real, not stuck behind rather adults who are proud and consider it if he wants to be hero?
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