Find of the week
phenomenon so far inexplicable finally solved:
Why work with the emancipation can not
(from: Jokers advertising catalog, p. 29, 8 / 2010)

Sophie Allsopp Others princesses Manual
The manual for would-be aristocrats. Who says that a princess "blue blood" must have? A real princess needs no title, but class. "Each girl puts a princess," says Madame Rhinestone and also shows the same, how they raised: through healthy eating, proper behavior, etc. A tongue in cheek, but really informative guide to "self-education." From 7 years. 30 p., color illustrations throughout, 25 x 26 cm, born arsEdition

Sam Taplin, Manual for the young knight
dream job knight? Go on! This guide introduces young heroes with entertaining text and colorful pictures in the fine art of chivalry: What does it take to become a knight? What is a castle? As one conquers a castle? Such as armor made of? And like a knight fighting for the attention of a lady ...? For young Knights and all who want to be. From 8 years. 80 pages, many color illustrations, 15 x 22 cm, hardcover. Boje Verlag
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