The self-occupied property remains untouched by the state
Union and the FDP have agreed to the raise so-called protected assets of Hartz IV recipients
Who would have thought that just the tips of the CDU and FDP to the start of their coalition negotiations, the voting public with a gift to the Hartz IV receiver would be surprised in this country. Probably none, on the other hand, it should be here probably by the time the least controversial points of the future coalition partner . Act Hartz IV recipients allowed by the plans of the future government have significantly greater assets, without this your claim is lost to state benefits. As so often plays certainly a calculus in the direction of image gain a role that is particularly likely to come to the FDP good, we've also just spoken for their participation in the new government from the beginning of a period of social cold in Germany.
With the current advance in particular intends to "fundamental unfairness in the Hartz IV system" to eliminate, which - incidentally - have also increasingly the courts in this country.
goes Essentially, the increase in the protected assets the Hartz IV recipients, which is now 250, - 750, - € per year of life tripled, a measure which is aimed, however, tend to the still-working population. For here is a signal to be set: for the worker to be worth saving for old age and he should not lose its entire long-term unemployment pension again.
In this context fits the decision to protect the self-occupied property is now to complete before accessing the state. This proposal is to acquire in particular the citizens to decide their own property, facilitate, but this form of pension provision is still the safest and krisenfesteste at all.
The third point is actually the only thing that helps the current version of ALG II-dependent citizens, that is to extend the additional earnings opportunities. But it is precisely here, there are no concrete figures, only the FDP General Secretary Dirk Niebel statement that "make work pay again," what, ultimately, to everything and everyone would fit.
After all, an unexpected and courageous initiative of the new coalition partners. What it ultimately will be implemented remains to be seen. Sure should be the protection of owner-occupied property from the reach of the state. One more reason to be more involved in their own pension provision in this field. In accordance with good Advice and Bauaufklärung as it is within the COM concept offered this year, one is because in any case on the safe side.
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