clearcutting in rabbits Fleet - missing firewood?

No one wants to be beaten by an old rotten tree, do not assume the responsibility for ensuring that children fly on their way to school old branches around the ears, and accordingly each understands this, if the municipality for safety reasons, some trees falls. What is irritated: in the summer trees were marked. Why this weekend (!) Re Markieraktion that exceeds all bounds, and the immediate start of Fällaktion only a day later? One can only difficult to close the suspicion that here soon with a fait accompli to be created. Why are purely arbitrary, additional trees are felled (noticed directly 2) that are not marked and are healthy and strong? And why are inquiries as to whether one can however file an objection to prevent, and deliberately provocative remarks like "This is purely arbitrary to make what you" and "Seems almost as if there was someone ran out of firewood," replied with a broad grin?

hare Fleet is still relatively tree-rich, but if not replanted, it looks from here as soon as bald as in some other districts. Ecologically this is irresponsible, because trees in the ecosystem fulfill important functions. Especially the thinning of alder series, so that now are part of only a few isolated trees, is a massive intervention in the nesting and habitat for numerous small birds. What will happen then? If the municipality at least plant new trees? And to be expected in the next winter with a similar action? Such wild west behavior, street trees quasi fair game damage degrade solid confidence in the town of Oberndorf, because a responsible use of our nature ought to just for a holiday and recreation are top priorities.
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