original article, clear-cutting in rabbits Fleet As previously reported, have been cut down trees in rabbits Fleet. I then sent a letter to the council members wrote, issued on 02.11.2011 and addressed the issue at the council meeting on 15/02/2011. Here is the letter and inserted in italics the answers. The felled trees and stumps have a neighbor and I counted together a petition with 28 signatories was directly transferred in the evening.
Dear Mr / Ms XYZ,
in rabbits Fleet in the last 72 days
(was challenged, maximum 25) been felling trees (as. 08:02 2011). Since us with this very quick and comprehensive action a bit confused and perplexed makes, we would be grateful if you give us to better understand this could answer a few questions: Can you see
the expert opinion to assess the hare Fleeter trees?
expert opinion, there are not too expensive When and in which body was decided the Cutting of trees?
few years ago, could not work due to lack of personnel to run Why are found in the minutes of the way and Environment Committee no mention of the planned felling?
said, resolution is longer ahead Is there any compensation for the damages, meaning there are replanted planned? When? Where?
n What happens to the felled trees? Are they sold? What is planned with the money?
trees are sold, proceeds benefit the community benefit Since the procedure in this particular case for all concerned rather unpleasant, was, we would like to make some suggestions for future cases:
should residents be informed in good time, min . 14 days in advance
is the not It should be possible to consult the expert opinion and to create possibly a second opinion
There are no expert opinions, felling is the responsibility of the building yard alternatives such as pruning or garden care measures should be preferred to complete precipitation have
n compensatory measures should be reasonable, therefore, better yet at least 1:2 1:3
n Thank