Significantly lower energy consumption through proper insulation of buildings
optimal combination of Environmental protection and energy saving in construction
The air conditioning of residential and commercial buildings consumes large amounts of energy. Because it would generate high levels of CO2 emissions within. Thus, in Germany about a third of CO2 emissions is due to the air conditioning of buildings. Much of it is unnecessary. Because energy consumption and associated emissions could be reduced if the homes would be better insulated. Experts estimate the savings through more effective insulation of buildings to approximately € 40 billion over the next ten years. This suggests, of course, not only in a better environmental balance but also in lower costs for homeowners and tenants down.
Many offers promise high savings, and it is therefore important, among the various methods for selecting the one insulation that meets the requirements of sustainable building is the best.
Company COM uses concept on shuttering blocks Neopor
A development of construction technology delivers a surprisingly simple answer: formwork, which has long been used in civil engineering successfully, suitable also outstanding for the construction of optimal insulating house walls. Here in particular have proven formwork elements made of polystyrene foam. Such molds weigh only about 4-5 kg per square meter of wall, to turn them into solid walls of buildings, which it is embedded in cavities are filled with concrete. While the conventional technique complicated formwork building, they poured with concrete, then removed again and then begins with the insulation will be created here practically in a single pass an insulated wall. Meanwhile, BASF has
its polystyrene foam developed and provides them under the name of Neopor. The company is
COM concept for good reasons on insulation which was developed by the BASF foam Neopor: It combines a - compared with traditional materials - very high insulating performance with less raw material. This will the manufacturing cost and therefore the price is kept low for the end user and minimizes the environmental impact of raw material consumption. Moreover Neopor is an environmentally friendly insulation material, it contains no CFC, HCFC, HFC or other halogenated gases cell. Air replaces the gas cell, which has the additional advantage that the thermal conductivity can be obtained over the life of the formwork elements of the house. The material is biologically neutral and free of pollutants, it is even used as food packaging and the groundwater is not affected by its degradation - on the contrary, rigid foam waste is mixed in gardening in the ground and support the growth of plants or composting.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Pretty Womanpolk A Dot
night thoughts
2.5 years I have been living here on my farm, since 1.5 years I think animals over 1 year before the first calf born. By then it was clear that I did not rob the milk and they can be fobbed off with milk powder, so I will, consequently, no cheese, etc. . Make
I think cattle, an ancient race that is threatened with extinction. In its heyday it was the "Butterkuh of the North", ie a high producing a profitable breeding race. Now I get so high-yielding cow from the day before yesterday. And for what? In order to produce their descendants continue to milk or meat for a ökobewusste Elite? The assumed the leading role, has yet to go back to very similar structures?
If the long-term goal should be, on meat and dairy consumption to give general information, reasons there are finally some, then it makes little sense to get an operating branch of its stock of natural, annually doubled in clear text (!): Milk production is calf production, ie a year per cow, a calf, ie, from a 20-strong herd of a 40 -person, or in other words, the Germans would have 4 million cattle annually eat (2010 total cattle population of around 12 million, of which about a third calves up to one year, PM Federal Statistical Office Germany, 07.01.2010) to provoke not only to further growth , reduction of meat no trace.
same time can not now live a normal peasant from a herd of 20 cows above, he will increase so try to bring himself and his family make ends meet. More cows is called back with more meat, more milk, over-saturation of the market, falling prices and less income for farmers, more cows, so a vicious circle. Some saddle so early as to, for example poultry, mostly the same on a large scale to be worthwhile, but is now likely that the mechanism will be the same: more poultry, more eggs and meat, too much supply, prices decline, more poultry, etc .
What I'm doing here is considered economically absurd, I hold my cattle without (visible) profit, I do not milk, produce no cheese and no meat. Although I expect in December again baby, but this is a dead end, because I do not want to breed and multiply, so they can be sent to the fattening cattle and dairy farms.
I am not a peasant child who has grown up that are cows and go, that calves are separated from their mothers that are looking for cows their kids and get calves finished milk, that they live to 4-5 in small departments in the stable, as long as they still need to be fed several times a day and only then natural movements like running and jumping meet on the field. But I have watched my calf, which had from the first day of life to a great need to move wanted to test their legs and try out. I have observed the relationship of mothers to their children, the behavior of other herd animals, even a different type. It was particularly interesting for me, was received with curiosity and openness to what the children of other races. I learned a lot in this first short time with my small herd, but a farmer's wife I have not gone.
My dream would be to share my observations to describe the various animal personalities and maybe also to show a new way, which seems to me the only possible one: our responsibility to the individual animal compared to that lives with us and of us depends. Race, however, is a word that is used today and can result in bad excesses. to get old races in order to eat and to use for me - unfortunately! - No goal. But since I do not even ever have to rely on the kindness and emergency financial support of my family wants, it is natural for me now the question in all urgency: What to do?
Monday, September 13, 2010
Shampoos At Whole Foods
Sunday, September 12, 2010
How Do I Get My Balance On Orange
Isabella From Bunny Ranch
For days now has the same theater: Malwine, my heifer is not on the other grazing, but stands in the entrance, in the pasture next door or on the stairs. Quite clear that I am the fox finally were the pastures all the bands cut out properly, it was flowing stream, it was still enough grass on the current pasture and plenty of space is really well. Every so even with tension on the pasture, what may be happening now back to where I need to patch up tapes, replacing poles, insulators substitute who is where and why and, of course, how do I get the most convenient way all to where they belong, etc. Internally I cursed this small, nasty cow, I thought so busy and took my last nerve with their trips. Probably it is boring, or they want to do with the others currently have nothing, she's just curious and adventurous - sometimes I was just angry and cursing, sometimes I tried to explain it to me, tried reasons, but above all to find solutions.
last night now my first doubts came to my view. Again I saw her coming out are already at high, she was marching along the avenue new piece that was hanging caution tape on the floor, and the two large cows on pasture were inside at the same height. So I went to her and piloted it back to the entrance, the barrier tape moved firmly behind her back and opened the pasture. My mare went straight to Malwine slammed violently with the head and prevented her from coming to the net. So I made the horse back into the paddock drive, Malwine was now once again fled the stairs a bit high, and the upper band to pasture. While I still Melli insulted and drove back, took the opportunity Malwine, slipped inside quickly and ran to the other two cows grazing towards the rear part.
This morning it was now even clearer. I was actually glad that I did not see them standing on the stairs, but noticed when entering the pasture a lot of suspense. All animals appeared in the back pasture part to stand, because I had to look directly at the sun, I could not see right away that all are there. In the closer, I saw that Malwine on the staircase of the neighbors stand outside and all the other animals had built up along the strip. Once Malwine went up or down, followed her the whole entourage. Especially the horse galloped excitedly up and down and even drove to my two rather sluggish on cows, now galloped well. Since there is no gap in the pasture band was, I had to unhook the lower band somewhere and make the best possible nor a barrier tape across the stairs to keep them back again. So I went back to the entrance to first turn off the electricity, the animals followed me and then took Malwine the opportunity slipped through under the tape and galloped like a singed Sow to her mother.
How it should look no runaway, not wishing to explore the adventurous world or has had enough of all the baggage. In retrospect, I must say that they always remained close to the grazing cows and the other near her, that she left steer quite easily again, neither tried to escape or run away from me in the other direction. Subsequently, she was then with the other cows and usually quite far away from horses and donkeys. My guess now is that all these actions in any way with Felix and the various languages are related: For him it's a game, young horses often race each other to test, who evades first to be put so boundaries and hierarchies. He is quite dashing, fleeing the headless dog right when he comes angallopiert. And compared to the cows he can in rejection of his horses and donkeys colleagues to be sure. Perhaps the outbreak of Malwine is therefore more of an Escape, if they are forced into the corner and no other place more hinkann?
relaxed any event, all at once, the cows moved from grazing, horses and donkeys are distributed among the trees and on Hay Square and there was peace and quiet again as if nothing happened. Maybe it's imagination, but I almost had the feeling that they were glad I came now and then for had seen "normal circumstances", from Felix, who could not grasp that his toy was suddenly out of reach to Tessa, me start as if to say "now at last our most Kuhschwester" - this time it was really almost by itself
Monday, September 6, 2010
Songs Of Inspiration By Jim Nabors
Find of the Week 2
(I sort of just old newspapers ...)

From zero to 25,000: The chickens come
a year ago put the farmer Eckhardt Jaeger basis for his new life - now about 25,000 lay "workers" their eggs on the largest area for free-running poultry Cuxland. Still, the close of runs for the poultry, which has based its production facility a few days ago. Later than September starts the day. Then walk to here about 20,000 eggs a day from the tape.
(NEZ 08/28/2010)
suspect the buyers of free range eggs, that as the reality of "happy chickens" look like? Does he know that they lay eggs 12-14 months, then slaughtered and is only cleaned her house for the next "generation of chicken"? Alone is calculated per habitat Chicken "proud" 4 m and the free-running surface a sufficient indicator of welfare? Blades is that farmers with such large companies not their own grave, because the mass production of eggs as currently in dairy prices spoils? Is it not make more sense to buy the eggs at the neighbor, who is conventionally and keeps in the barn, but a few years and this characteristic in small family groups of up to 20 animals? Can we expect other living things really as a prisoner and slave life?
Black Boots With Brown Hat
Find of the week

"Michelito" is the youngest matador in the world
Michel Luis Carlos Peniche Lagravère called "Michelito" is the youngest matador in the world. The 12-year-old brings 400-kilogram bulls to the track. Michel has already started as a toddler Calves red cloth to keep her eyes. His dream is to regain the title by 14 hero and later the best bullfighter in the world. A real alternative to the bull fight, he has not. But after some thought, he says: "I would like to learn cooking."
(NEZ 08/28/2010)
What if he had grown up on an organic farm? Would he be in another country with his career aspirations as seriously taken and promoted? What other skills and talents lie fallow and are not even encouraged to some extent? Does he get "get cooking" with his wish as much attention and support? Whose desire is real, not stuck behind rather adults who are proud and consider it if he wants to be hero?
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