patchwork News 22:08:10
Short told
was celebrated wildly: IMSA with rabbit Fleeter king, ie, get green, wreaths, decorated triumphal arch erected on the farm, to pick up King and again ... Schnapps drink ;-))) Our couple from last year celebrated an anniversary and had to dig a hunter master, and again ... Then there were still a barbecue for the newly renovated house, and sang with the choir Shanty We in the service of the Seamen's Mission and went to "The coins of the Moor
devil," an open-air performance staged by Hartmut, a Mitsänger. My parents and my sister watched and her family come back again, I took a new approach, the old apple trees next door may save it yet, and wrote a letter to the owner, and is a new text it again (
The subliminal stereotypes organized by ) And the yearling colt is there (see below)
The new stove Comrade Felix has been doing well and understood easily with the rest of the crew. Initially, it Melli properly read the riot act, but after he humbly recognized as head of pasture, a friendship was no more obstacles. Malwine and Daphne have in between again taken the opportunity and made a trip into my garden, electricity from a neighbor was disconnected. Otherwise, the Umhüten from pasture to pasture works really well now, 3 stars! Where the pasture belt was fastened to trees, poles and I have set out shot the insulators.
yard using
Finally, my neighbor John Heiner and I now have a long water hose up to the back pasture and water needs, rather than constantly hinkarren "on foot". Since the lines in the house were old, had to be improvised and a bit herumgetüftelt. Also went from Tree to tree across the street, high enough to drive through the big tractor and hay wagon still can. Thanks you two. Coming soon are also grown drinker. At the same time my pasture unit is installed and run the power line on the Hofweide and also across the street from tree to tree. Meanwhile, I've also re-warm water in the bathroom, thanks to another company. At the same time, a plan for the new heating system was made, cost estimate is pending. Mr. Steeneck, my tried and tested Zimmerman, now the attic above the third hallway again easily seen and measured hay, early September can start with the renovation - Donations are welcome ;-))). By the blue color in the bedroom comes despite repeated recoating always a yellow stripe (fungus?) by leaves and peel off the paint.
now I could not, for the prophets of doom, despite at least a little bit of reaping what: first early potatoes - a little small but very tasty, pea, unfortunately, too little to cook, so once nibbled, beans - same as above, therefore, probably seed for next year , zucchini - round, white (accidentally?), green, striped and hell-/dunkelgrün either raw in salads or cooked as a vegetable stir-fry very well. Tomatoes are blooming and some have been little green lumps, maybe something else, pumpkins have grown quite wild, are also only just beginning to come on and the red beets are an awful puny. Eagerly the vines are the blue-purple splendor winds - anything for peas grid must indeed be good - and the wine on the house wall, and strong color accents nasturtiums and marigolds in light and dark red.
more ideas / projects
hedges planted as a windbreak, design the new flyer, research on heating and reed reeds growing, a dreamer mission. Background and details, soon.