The energy market is moving
overwhelmed the complexity of the energy supply is often the consumer, but he can put signals
Securing our energy supply remains an important issue for business and politics. The discussions focus on various aspects of the supply taken all by itself a panacea. Therefore, the strategies must be taken at different levels.
The fact that fossil fuels as sources of energy are only available for a limited time, can always seem to nuclear power as a supposed solution for the future. Not only events, such as the recent incident in the nuclear power plant Krümmel cast doubt on this strategy, including the oft-asserted superiority of nuclear power as a cheap source of energy is increasingly called into question by experts as the most common accidents and calculations Endsorgungskosten for no or too low to calculate nuclear waste. RECOURSE therefore also for the nuclear power operator a risky alternative. This was demonstrated recently when RWE plans for a Bulgarian nuclear reactors out of because the funding did not materialize (FTD 08/07/2009).
competition in markets for electricity and gas difficult to enforce
The idea is basically good to enforce competition on low prices and high quality of performance. Only for electricity and gas will not work so well. Scale, even from an efficiency perspective, the big corporations can be powerful and the power constraint of supply here create economically narrow limits. Although the EU Commission wants to bring the corporations by drastic penalties to reason (wg see the maximum penalties against E. ON Ruhrgas and GDF Suez. Market division), the sign of little competitive business conduct awareness. For example, Vattenfall was some time ago, the Berlin fool customers with new rates, which should even give freedom of choice between several alternatives, the alternatives were not disclosed but not a word, let alone explained. There was thus a strong lack of awareness and transparency for the consumer, so that the Berlin Senate felt it necessary then to set up contact points for the explanation of the rates of Vattenfall. Since it is not surprising if some now Municipalities the power supply to take over again in their direction and buy back electricity networks of local utilities can (see on 12/09/2009).
innovations as part of the solution
As a way to offer to the exploration of new energy sources and improving efficiency in energy consumption. Often in the past by environmental conditions in industrial innovation processes set in motion that have made Germany the leading suppliers of advanced environmental technology. This is convincingly explained by the energy expert Claudia Kemfert, when the energy debate with the demand, innovation instead of depression 'sums up. That something is caused, shows for example, commissioning of marine wind farms (see Spiegel Online 12.8. 2009)
must Consumers respond
so hopeless acts of her own endeavor, given the complexity of technology and market development, so have been identified but some leeway for consumers. This can do about the purchase of green electricity, energy-conscious driving, or improving the energy efficiency of their homes much. Even with new construction of houses, it is essential to make sure equal to a positive energy balance. In general, these are indeed rather small steps, but in the sum shows the behavior of consumers the energy companies and producers of economic goods where it has to go long. Then, as stressed also by Claudia Kemp, long-term energy problem will be resolved without a significant loss of quality of life are taken into account because.
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